
Written by: Nicole Roberts
When you’ve released as much music as one-man cybergrind artist Goremonger has, you typically wind up doing one of two things: you either change up your sound completely and attract a new fan base, or you keep creating the same ol’ sound, boring your old fans and never surprising any new ones. However, Goremonger’s latest record, The Sickening Paradox of Reality, does neither of these two things.

After releasing six full-length records and a large assortment of singles and short releases, the self-described “depraved underground cybergrind” artist has created a record filled with crunching death metal-inspired guitar riffs and slamming guttural vocals that mesh together with an electro twist. The Sickening Paradox of Reality is more bizarre than anything Goremonger has created before–and for someone who’s put out albums with controversial names like Snuff Films and Whorticulture, that’s saying something.

The 16-track record mixes electronic samples from an odd collection of movies and songs with ear crushing grindcore slams. At first, the listener is presented with a wall of seemingly indecipherable noise. Under closer observation, however, one begins to notice the careful choices Goremonger makes when choosing where he pulls his sample material from, as well as how he incorporates it into his songs.

In a genre where vocals often become muddy and incomprehensible, Goremonger’s use of sampling allows him to convey the message of his songs quite clearly. Take a track like “Spewing Religious Fodder,” where sampling is used in a satirical manner. The song begins with clips of a preacher’s sermon that have been spliced and distorted. In addition to the obvious use of distortion, the piecing together of the sermon’s audio allows Goremonger to create a reconstructed track that emphasizes themes such as greed and corruption within organized religion. If you didn’t understand his clear-cut satire by the end of the song, he makes his point even clearer by ending the track with a sample of the famous change-clinking cash register intro to Pink Floyd’s “Money.

While some of the 16 ridiculously named songs tackle serious subject matters, the album also features comical nonsense tracks such as “Fart Bubble Embolism” and “Hanging out at Fuck the Ass,” a tribute to Goremonger’s time spent chillin’ at the recording studio. These songs are short, heavy and in your face. Before you can begin to process what’s going on, the song is already over. It takes a few listens to understand, and to fully appreciate, Goremonger’s seventh full-length release.

Both listeners who are familiar with the genre and grindcore newbies should prepared to be bewildered. If you don’t “get it,” take Goremonger’s advice written in the liner notes of The Sickening Paradox of Reality, “I hope you enjoy this album. drugs help.”

<iframe style="border: 0; width: 280%; height: 120px;" src="https://bandcamp.com/EmbeddedPlayer/album=1149434900/size=large/bgcol=333333/linkcol=2ebd35/tracklist=false/artwork=small/transparent=true/" seamless=""><a href="http://goremonger213.bandcamp.com/album/the-sickening-paradox-of-reality">The Sickening Paradox of Reality by Goremonger</a></iframe><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --> <p style="text-align:"><span style="font-weight: 400;"> </span></p> <!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->